
About us

AboutUmbria is a project strongly supported by the enthusiasm of a group of professionals who have been working for years in the field of information and communication and who have decided to pool their experience to create an entity capable of promoting the brand. Umbria” in a punctual, capillary and innovative way.

AboutUmbria aims to raise awareness and promote Umbria through a communication activity aimed at disseminating and promoting Umbrian excellence, the region’s artistic and cultural heritage, events, exhibitions, cultural initiatives in general, and any type of information and news that has the aim of promoting Umbria at a national and international level.

AboutUmbria’s promotional activity develops in three areas.

  • AboutUmbria Magazine is the online magazine (www.aboutumbriamagazine.it) which aims to propose the image of the most dynamic, culturally alive and lively Umbria, telling the potential tourist, but also the Umbrian citizen, an Umbria that pleases, that fascinates, that "sets trends". An Umbria that certainly does not want to deny its characteristics as a green oasis steeped in mysticism and unique places with an ancient flavour, but rather wants to reinvent itself in the way it presents itself and presents itself through a dynamic and modern key.

  • AboutUmbria Collection is the annual, bilingual paper magazine that embraces all of Umbria through the best of the region's historical, artistic and cultural heritage; he tells it with scientific rigor but with a popular approach, giving the image a first-rate importance. This valuable magazine was preceded by a first collection (2017/2022) where each issue recounted the excellence of the region through a colour.

  • AboutUmbria Events are the various initiatives organized by AboutUmbria with the aim of promoting both the excellence of the Region and the magazine itself in the main cities and villages of Umbria. The main focus of these events is reserved each time for an Umbrian municipality, in a rich and varied journey made up of history, art, folklore, typical recipes, traditions, meetings with contemporary artists and itineraries, with a careful look at the many entrepreneurial realities.


AboutUmbria is configured as an ideal space for large-scale promotion of the Umbria region. A network of collaborations and knowledge that brings together the sense of the meeting between different cultures and the crossroads through which Umbria has the opportunity to open up to the world.

Through the network, Aboutumbria aims to restore the profile of a fascinating and extremely dynamic region, where a project to promote the territory is in full swing in which subjects operating in the world of culture, science and study participate transversally. of the landscape, of the world of entrepreneurship, of communication, of craftsmanship, of more traditional work activities.

AboutUmbria non è solo una rivista e un punto di promozione e di vendita, ma anche uno strumento di comunicazione che si confronta con esperti nel settore del turismo, dell’arte, dell’artigianato e in quello enogastronomico.

Avvalendosi di numerose collaborazioni non solo nell’ambito turistico, storico e culturale, ma anche in quello creativo grazie all’ausilio di grafici, fotografi e professionisti del web, AboutUmbria è anche promotrice e organizzatrice di progetti visivi. Ambiente e Territorio, Arte e Cultura, Artigianato ed Enogastronomia rappresentano solo alcuni dei temi che AboutUmbria tratterà attraverso la sua Web TV che sarà presto operativa.